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Michèle Alliot-Marie
Président of  "Rassemblement pour la République"
Letter dated May, 15, 2000 to Michel Gendrot (Translation)
".... Let me tell you   that I share your analysis on many points. It is clear that Europe must find a parade so that this phenomenon does not generate a growing unemployment,  and must propose and make accept by OMC some new rules of the game.
     Europe fights already by the way of the globalization of its economy. The bringings together or fusions between large firms, if they also somewhat contribute to increase unemployment, allow better profitability, maintained costs, and even lowering of prices. That makes it possible to resist the competition of the emergent world.
      The advance taken by the Western world in the fields of high-technology and sciences, which evolve very quickly,  however does not seem me   likely  to be quickly reduced, even by large countries like China or India. One can observe that even industrialized and economically powerful countries  like Japan, Taiwan, South Korea or Singapore still do not manufacture sophisticated military equipment or aircrafts, that on the contrary they must  buy in the western world. Some jobs are lost, but others are created.  I am on this point less pessimistic than you or the economist Maurice Allais that you quote."
Michel Gendrot
Opinion parue dans Le Figaro du 25 Juillet 2000 (Translation)

Better late than never. It is reported that at the top of G8 in Okinawa, the leaders of this world would have become aware of the risks which presents unlimited Globalization.  There are years that Maurice Allais, Nobel Prize of Economy 1988, rings the alarm bell !…

The same day, we learn by Le Figaro, that U.S. senators propose to the Congress a bill threatening to forbid the European operators of Telecoms to acquire U.S. firms. What leads the European Union to threaten to withdraw its engagements as regards telecoms with respect to the O.M.C.

This incident reveals the way in which some American considers the O.M.C. They want to impose the O.M.C. when it is favourable to the American multinationals and their thousands of subsidiaries dispersed in the world. They are against the O.M.C. when it is unfavourable for them.

It's high time to open the eyes and to consider Globalization and O.M.C. for what they are : a  war machine at the service of international Finance and multinational companies, to the detriment of others.

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