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Michel Rocard
Prime Minister of the French Républic
     Speech delivered on march, 23  1989 in the Great  Amphitheatre of the Sorbonne in homage to Maurice Allais
    " .... Some coteries undoubtedly deserve criticisms addressed to a scholastic design  of intellectual work"...
"... the economic analysis is a discipline which [...] in the modern world, must   help us to make progress a mixed economy   in which interfere the adjustments of the market and the state initiatives. This is why, I am tempted in conclusion to refer to Pierre Mendès-France who wrote in 1954, in his work La science économique et l'action : " The progress such as we conceive it today requires new criteria intended for better serving the general interest.  It is an always valid call "...


Thierry de Montbrial
Member of Institut de France - Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques
    Speech delivered on october, 19  1989 when awarding his academic spade to Maurice Allais.
  " .... Since nearly fifty years, Allais did not cease developing the idea that the political union [ of Europe ] was to precede the economic union or, at least, to be developed  in parallel. The economic liberalism can only be  proportional, if one dare such a statement, to the political organization"...
"....  All his life, Maurice Allais, did not cease thinking by himself. He did not make any concession with the spirit of the time. His career was thus suffering and his recognition, bright, was late. He expensively paid a scrupulous honesty which forces admiration"....


Madame Alice Saunier-Seïté
Minister of Universities
     Speech delivered on march, 13  1979 when awarding to Maurice Allais the Golden Medal of the "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique"  
        " .... The stake is serious in our world where the ideology impregnates and contaminates the scientific step and compromises scientific and social progress and the freedom of thinking.  In this situation where
science - and not only social sciences - is contaminated by the ideology, you always affirmed the distinction between the one and the other"....
"... The talentuous economists, or quite simply qualified, are of the rarest kind...  the Master in economy must present a rare combination of talents...  He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher... He must at the same time be tended towards a practical goal  and completely not influenced...  The depth and the originality in your work, its influence on a generation of economists, finally the force of your radiation in France and in the World, make you, Mister the professor, this Master in economy, according to Keynes, and this model "....
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