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As early as 1941, and parallel to his functions of State Engineer, he had started to be interested in research in  Economic Sciences. He was marked by the crisis of the Thirties and its dramatic repercussions. His first publication  appears in 1943 : A la Recherche d'une Discipline Economique [In Search of an Economical Discipline]  follow-up in 1947 by  Economie et Intérêt [Economy and Interest], which he regards as being his two fondamental works.
prof.jpg (12370 octets)     He's  named Professor  of Economic Analysis at the "Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris" in 1944, where he will remain until 1968,  Research Director at the National Scientific Research Center (1946-1980), Director of the Economic Analysis Center as from 1946, Director of the Group of Economic and Social Research (1944-1970). Professor of Theoretical Economy at the Statistical Institute of the University of Paris (1947-1968). Let us note one interlude in 1958-1959 that he spends in the Center Thomas Jefferson of the University of Virginia with the title of Distinguished Visiting Scolar.   Professor at the Institute of the High International Studies of Geneva (1967-1970). From 1970 and until 1985, he manages the Center Clement-Juglar  of Monetary Analysis of the Paris-X University  before taking his retirement in 1980 with the title of  Honorary General Engineer with the National Corps of  Mines.
      But, which one knows less, it is that Maurice Allais has two hobbies: History and Physique.


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    The History is a subject which has always impassioned him. Since 1961, he gets under way a book that he entitled: Essor et Déclin des Civilisations - Facteurs économiques. [Essor and decline of civilizations - Economical factors]. The first version appeared in 1966, but Maurice Allais has always this work in progress and continues to improve it and enrich it. He there reviews  the history of civilizations and tries to release some common and permanent factors , in particular from the economical point of view.


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